姓名 林盈利
職稱: 創新育成中心主任
校內分機: 48052
電子信箱 : yllin@asia.edu.tw
學歷: 國立臺灣科技大學企業管理學系財務金融組 博士
研究領域: 經濟理論、公司理財、財務資訊與資本市場、智慧資本
經歷: 亞洲大學產學營運處創新育成中心主任
年度 論文名稱
2018 林盈利, Dynamic Connection of the Balanced Scorecard: Pre- versus Post-2008 Financial Crisis, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, vol.4 no.10 pp.103-108, 2018
2017 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、陳姿吟(Tzu-Yin Chen), How Does Strategic Orientation Influence Intellectual Capital through Value-Creating Activities?, Business Research Review, vol.2 no.1 pp.13-32, 2017
2016 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、林瑩華(Ying-Hua Lin), 經理人過度自信、研發產出與績效變數之關聯性-聯立方程式模型/Overconfidence, R&D output and Performance variable- Simultaneous equations(in Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.9 pp.47-64, 2016
2016 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、連胤喬(Yin-Qiao Lian), 高階經理人專業背景對跨國投資績效之影響/The effect of professional background on transnational investment performance (in Chinese), 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.5 pp.59-73, 2016
2015 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, Usefulness of Financial and Non-financial Information Disclosure of Information Technology Industry, International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, vol.3 no.4 pp.20-33, 2015
2015 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, How does intellectual capital affect organizational performance?, International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol.6 no.4 pp.115-120, 2015
2013 梁瓊如、陳姿吟、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How do different business models affect intellectual capital?, Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol.14 no.2 pp.176-191, 2013
2013 梁瓊如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黃秀鳳(Hsiu-Feng Huang), Effect of core competence on organizational performance in an airport shopping center, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, vol.31 pp.23-26, 2013
2012 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、黃瑞琦、涂勝閔, 智慧資本與企業價值之關聯性-金控子銀行與獨立銀行之比較/ The Value Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Corporate Value:Comparisons between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Companies and Independent Banks (in Chinese), 國際商經評論/ International Review of Business and Economics no.2 pp.1-23, 2012
2011 梁瓊如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黃梓蒼(Tzu-Tsang Huang), Does Multi-Dimensional Ownership Structure Matter in Firm Performance? A Dynamic Firm’s Life Cycle Perspective, International Journal of Business and Finance Research, vol.5 no.2 pp.1-19, 2011
2011 梁瓊如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黃梓蒼(Tzu-Tsang Huang)*, Does Endogenously-Determined Ownership Matter on Performance? Dynamic Evidence from the Emerging Taiwan Market, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, vol.47 no.6 pp.120-133, 2011
2010 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、梁瓊如(Chiung-Ju Liang), How Does Research and Development Investment Affect Market Value?, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, vol.13 no.6 pp.1165-1185, 2010
2009 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、何佩穎, The role of innovation capability in the value creation process, 評價學報 no.1 pp.43-56, 2009
2008 梁瓊如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, Which IC is more important?A life-cycle perspective, Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol.9 no.1 pp.62-76, 2008
發表日期 論文名稱
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin), The Business Model of Cross, Border E-Commerce_ Source Globally, Sell Globally - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin)、楊雅筠(Ya-Yun Yang), Using the Balanced Scorecard to Analyze Bank Operational Performance – Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Banks , The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林敬倫(Ching-Lun Lin), Impact of SARS and COVID, 19 on Taiwan's tourism industry - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2022.06 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、楊晴如(Ching-Ru Yang), Impacts of COVID, 19 on Stock Returns of the Cross-Border Transportation Industry - The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan
2021.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li), A Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Service Apartment Operation Model on Long, term Care Institutions - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea
2021.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陳佳妤, Analysis of the Causal Relationship among Diversification Strategies, Financial Performance and Market Values by the Three, stage Least Squares (3SLS) - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea
2020.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han)、Hung, Tsung-Chih, Feasibility Study of Introducing Daily Rental Suites Business Model into Long, term Care Institutions - The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
2020.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、徐麗如( Hsu, Li-Lu), The Relationship between Long, term Care Issues and Disability Insurance - The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
2019.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韓建國(Chien-Kuo Han), The Causes and Influences of Institutional Investors Herding Behavior in the Taiwan Stock Market , The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Jul. 2019, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia
2019.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陳美璉(Mei-Lien Chen), Key Success Factors of Online Learning Website A , Balanced Scorecard Perspective - The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019) , Jul. 2019, Sydney, Australia
2016.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、蕭芳華(Fang-Hua Hsiao)、黎佩珊(Pei-Shan Li), Causal analysis in human capital, R&D assets and financial performance: Evidence from Taiwanese firms operating in China , 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2016, Fukuoka, Japan
2016.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、連胤喬(Yin-Qiao Lian)、吳翔嘉(Shiang-Jia Wu), The Effect of Executive's Professional Background on Business Performance of Foreign Direct Investment , 2016 年「經營管理」暨「資訊科技」研討會/2016 Business management and information technology conference, Jun. 2016, 國立高雄師範大學和平校區
2016.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、鄭湘儒(Hsiang-Ju Cheng), A Causal Model of Linkages among Strategic Orientation, Value, Creating Activities, and Intellectual Capital - 2016 年「經營管理」暨「資訊科技」研討會/2016 Business management and information technology conference, Jun. 2016, 國立高雄師範大學和平校區
2015.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How to enhance market value? A balanced scorecard perspective , Ninth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2015, Brazil
2015.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How Do Political Relations Affect State, Owned Bank Loans? - Ninth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2015, Brazil
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), Dynamic connection of the Balanced Scorecard Evidence from financial holding companies , 2015 臺灣財務金融學會年會暨國際研討會/2015 International conference of Taiwan finance association (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 亞洲大學
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、張惠雅, 股票報酬率與通貨膨脹率之因果關係/Causal Relationship between Stock Returns and Inflation Rates , Evidence from the Construction Industry (in Chinese) - 2015現代經營管理研討會/2015 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 德霖技術學院
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、連胤喬, 人力資本、知識產出與公司價值之因果分析/Human capital, knowledge output, and corporate value (in Chinese) , 2015現代經營管理研討會/2015 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 德霖技術學院
2014.11 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、陳姿吟, A Causal Model of Linkages among Strategic Orientation, Value, creating Activities, and Intellectual Capital(in Chinese) - 2014現代經營管理研討會/2014 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Nov. 2014, 德霖技術學院
2014.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、林素卉, 政治關係與貸款額度的關係/The relationship between political relations and loan amount (in Chinese) , 2014第八屆卓越管理國際學術研討會/2014 8th International Conference on Business Management (in Chinese), May. 2014, 修平科技大學
2013.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、陳淑珍, 獨立董事席次比例、兼職情形對公司績效之影響/The Impact of the Percentage and Part, time Situation of Independent Directors on Firm Performance (in Chinese) - 2013現代經營管理研討會/2013 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Dec. 2013, 德霖技術學院
2013.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、詹素玉, 員工紅利、人力資本與企業績效之關聯性/The Relationships between Employee Bonus,Human Capital and Enterprise Performance (in Chinese) , 2013現代經營管理研討會/2013 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Dec. 2013, 德霖技術學院
2011.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、宋鴻志, 公營事業民營化後公司治理前後的經營績效之影響 , 2011財務金融管理理論與實證研討會, May. 2011, 長榮大學
2011.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、朱育瑩, 衍生性金融商品使用對獲利能力之影響, 本國與外商銀行之比較 - 2011財務金融管理理論與實證研討會, May. 2011, 長榮大學
2011.05 黃秀鳳、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), 連鎖便利商店之商店印象、顧客滿意與品牌權益關係之研究 , 2011觀光餐旅休閒永續發展與創新教育國際學術研討會, May. 2011, 德霖技術學院
2011.04 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、邱佳琪, 無形資產與分析師跟隨對公司價值的影響 , 2011 當代商管學域研討會, Apr. 2011, 國立台中技術學院
2009.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、朱怡靜, 智慧資本之價值攸關性, 金控公司與非金控公司子銀行之比較/The value-relevance of Intellectual capital-Comparison between subsidiary banks of financial holding company and independent banks (in Chinese) - The 2009 International Conference on Innovation & Management, Dec. 2009, 實踐大學
2008.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、何佩穎, The role of innovation capability in the value creation process , 2008績效評估與價值創造研討會, Dec. 2008, 國立中興大學
2008.11 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How does R&D capability affect market value under different life cycle stages? , 第七屆管理新思維學術研討會, Nov. 2008, 國立台灣科技大學
2005.12 梁瓊如, 不同生命週期階段之台灣資訊電子產業價值驅動因子 , 2005會計理論與實務研討會, Dec. 2005, 國立台灣大學
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
111年度大專校院推動創新創業教育計畫 (11149040) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
創新創業大賽計畫 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.09 ~ 2020.10
新南向學海築夢計畫-壯佳果股份有限公司越南海外實習計畫 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.09 ~ 2021.07
109年度大專校院推動創新創業教育計畫 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.08 ~ 2022.07
智能投資理財與金融科技應用人才培育學程 (無) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.07 ~ 2021.08
新南向學海築夢計畫-菲律賓群島銀行海外實習計畫 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.07 ~ 2020.08
108年度「U-start創新創業計畫」 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2019.08 ~ 2020.02
2019投資理財規劃與金融科技應用實務人才培育學程 (無) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2019.07 ~ 2020.08
投資理財規劃與金融科技應用實務人才培育學程 (無) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai) 2017.07 ~ 2018.08
大專院校權證課程計畫/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20170203161943) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2017.02 ~ 2017.07
證券投資與權證避險操作實務-財金資訊系統之應用/Security investment and warrnat hedge-application of financial information system (in Chinese) (20160623215632) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、歐仁和(Jenho-Peter Ou)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.07 ~ 2017.08
結合大專院校辦理就業服務補助計畫/Employment service plan (in Chinese) (20160519205539) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.03 ~ 2016.10
翻轉教學課程補助計畫-投資管理專題/Flipped teaching course plan-investment management (in Chinese) (20160623222548) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.02 ~ 2016.06
翻轉教學課程補助計畫-投資組合分析/Flipped teaching course plan-investment portfolio analysis (in Chinese) (20150715224339) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.09 ~ 2016.01
中華民國證券商業同業公會權證課程補助計劃/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20150715223303) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.09 ~ 2016.01
學術倫理課程發展計畫/Academic ethics course plan (in Chinese) (MOE-104-1-0-B009) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.08 ~ 2016.01
證券投資與權證避險操作實務-財金資訊系統之應用/Security investment and warrnat hedge-application of financial information system (in Chinese) (20150715223619) 蔡永順(Yung-shun Tsai)、歐仁和(Jenho-Peter Ou)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、蔡豐澤、簡智崇(Chien Chih-Chung) 2015.07 ~ 2016.08
創新教材計畫-經濟學-有效提高管理學院會考成績及通過公職考試之講義/Innovation teaching material plan-Economic (in Chinese) (20141225002910) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.12 ~ 2015.07
中小企業價值創造過程之研究/Value create process of small and medium enterprise (in Chinese) (20140704172332) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.07 ~ 2015.06
政治關聯對銀行放款之影響/The Effect of Political Connections on Bank Lending (in Chinese) (102-asia-33) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.02 ~ 2015.01
大專院校權證課程計畫/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20140318214241) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.01 ~ 2014.07
創新教材計畫-計量經濟-計量經濟軟體(Eviews)之整合應用/Innovation teaching material plan-Econometrics-Application of Eviews (in Chinese) (20131231155905) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.12 ~ 2014.07
競爭程度及經濟活動對非常項目之影響/The Impact of Competition and Economic Activity on Extraordinary Items (in Chinese) (101-asia-14) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
個人投資理財通識課程計畫/ Individual investmnet general knowledge course plan (in Chinese) (20140318213649) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.01 ~ 2013.07
公平價值層級資訊及公司治理指數對公司價值之影響/The Impact of Fair Value Hierarchy Information and Corporate Governance Index on Firm Value (in Chinese) (100-asia-47) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2011.12 ~ 2012.11
創新教材計畫-公司治理理論與實務-金融產業推動公司治理現狀及應用/Innovation teaching material plan-Corporate governance theory and practice (in Chinese) (20120222203303) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2011.11 ~ 2012.07
創新教材計畫-總體經濟學/Innovation teaching material plan- Macroeconomic (in Chinese) (20110623214128) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2010.11 ~ 2011.07
創新教材計畫-個體經濟學/Innovation teaching material plan-Microeconomic (in Chinese) (20110623214050) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2010.11 ~ 2011.07
創新教材計畫-如何解析財經時事新聞?財務理論之應用/Innovation teaching material plan-How to analysis financial news? Application of financial theory(in Chinese) (20110623213949) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2009.11 ~ 2010.07
無形資產、財務績效與市場價值-金融服務業之整合性研究/Intangible assets, financial performance and market value-Financial service industry (in Chinese) (NSC 98-2410-H-468 -006 -) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、梁瓊如 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
獎項名稱 頒獎單位
111學年度傑出產學獎第三名 本校
109年度產學合作績優獎 本校
亞洲大學106學年度院級優良導師獎/2019 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese) 本校
105年度創新教材-數位教材獎佳作獎 本校
107年度創新教材-數位教材獎佳作獎 請選擇
亞洲大學105學年度院級優良導師獎/2018 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese)
105年度創新教材-數位教材獎特優獎/2016 Outstanding Digital Teaching Material Award (in Chinese)
104年度創新教材-數位教材獎特優獎/2015 Outstanding Digital Teaching Material Award (in Chinese)
104年度創新教學法優良獎/2012 Excellence in Innovation Teaching Award (in Chinese)
亞洲大學期刊論文類表現卓越獎/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-經濟學-有效提高管理學院會考成績及通過公職考試之講義/Innovation teaching material plan-Economic (in Chinese)
亞洲大學102學年度傑出教學獎/2013 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
亞洲大學期刊論文類表現卓越獎/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-計量經濟-計量經濟軟體(Eviews)之整合應用/Innovation teaching material plan-Econometrics-Application of Eviews (in Chinese)
亞洲大學101學年度創新學習評估法優等獎/2012 Excellence in Innovation Learning Assessment Award (in Chinese)
亞洲大學期刊論文類表現卓越獎/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-公司治理理論與實務-金融產業推動公司治理現狀及應用/Innovation teaching material plan-Corporate governance theory and practice (in Chinese)
亞洲大學98學年度校級優良導師獎/2009 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese)
亞洲大學99學年度優良教學獎/2010 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-總體經濟學/Innovation teaching material plan- Macroeconomic (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-個體經濟學/Innovation teaching material plan-Microeconomic (in Chinese)
亞洲大學98學年度優良教學獎/2009 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
創新教材計畫-如何解析財經時事新聞?財務理論之應用/Innovation teaching material plan-How to analysis financial news? Application of financial theory(in Chinese)
年度 名稱 全部作者
104 高階主管專業程度與其職務異動及兼任對公司績效之影響:中國公司進一步證據/The Impact of the Professional Level, Turnover, and Part-time Situation of CEO on Corporate Performance: Further Evidence from China (in Chinese) 林麗玉
104 企業評價的個案研究-以全家便利商店為例/Case Study on Business Valuation: Familymart (in Chinese) 李玉龍
104 管理者過度自信、研發績效與未來財務績效之因果模型/A Causal Model of Linkages among Management Overconfidence, R&D Performance, and Future Financial Performance (in Chinese) 吳翔嘉
104 經理人過度自信與專業程度對銀行業經營績效之影響/The Impact of Manager Overconfidence and Professional Level on Banking Industry's Business Performance (in Chinese) 鄭湘儒
103 經理人過度自信如何透過研發及財務績效影響市場價值?/A Causal Model of Linkages among Management Overconfidence, R&D Performance, and Future Financial Performance (in Chinese) 林瑩華
103 台商母公司人力資本、研發資產與大陸子公司財務績效之因果模型/A Causal Model of Linkages Among Human Capital of Taiwan’s Parent Firms, R&D Assets, and the Financial Performance of their Subsidiaries in Mainland China (in Chinese) 黎佩姍
103 股票報酬率與通貨膨脹率之因果關係-以營建業為例/Causal Relationship between Stock Returns and Inflation Rates -Evidence from the Construction Industry (in Chinese) 張惠雅
103 顧客資本、財務績效與高階管理者薪酬的關聯性-金控公司子銀行與獨立銀行之比較/Customer Capital, Financial Performance and CEO Compensation-Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinese) 李素清
103 創新資本、財務績效與高階經理人薪酬的關聯性- 電子產業與傳統產業之比較/Innovation Capital, Financial Performance and CEO Compensation-Comparison between Electronic Industries and Traditional Industries (in Chinese) 傅靜宜
103 投資人情緒、分析師跟隨與公司價值之關聯性/Relationships among Investor Sentiment, Analyst Following and Firm Value (in Chinese) 戴毓熹
102 政治關係與貸款額度的關係/The relationship between political relations and loan amount (in Chinese) 林素卉
102 資訊揭露評鑑制度與經理人專業程度對公司價值之影響/The Impact of Information Transparency Disclosure Rankings System and Manager's Professional Degree on Firm Value (in Chinese) 朱緒蘭
102 獨立董事席次比例、兼職情形對公司績效之影響/The Impact of the Percentage and Part-time Situation of Independent Directors on Firm Performance (in Chinese) 陳淑珍
102 員工紅利人力資本與企業績效之關聯性/The Relationships between Employee Bonus,Human Capital and Enterprise Performance (in Chinese) 詹素玉
101 公司治理對經營績效之影響-生命週期之觀點/The Influence of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance - A Life-Cycle Perspective (in Chinese)
101 公平價值層級資訊對公司價值之影響/The Impact of Fair Value Hierarchy Information on Firm Value (in Chinese)
100 智慧資本市場價值之攸關性-以休閒產業為例/Intellectual Capital of the Market Value:The Evidence of Leisure Industry (in Chinese)
100 智慧資本與市場價值之關聯性-金控公司子銀行與獨立銀行之比較/The Value-Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Market Value:Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinese)
099 公司治理對民營化公司經營績效之影響/Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Privatized Firms (in Chinese) 宋鴻志
099 衍生性金融商品使用對獲利能力之影響-本國與外商銀行之比較/The Effect of Derivative Financial Instrument on the Profitability: Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Banks (in Chinese) 朱育瑩
099 無形資產與分析師跟隨對公司價值的影響/The Effect of Intangible Assets and Analyst Following on Firm Value (in Chinese) 邱佳琪
097 無形資產、財務績效與市場價值-金控公司子銀行與獨立銀行之比較/Intangible Assets, Financial Performance and Market Value: Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinses) 陳奕慧
097 銀行融資之關鍵影響因素-以台灣資訊電子產業為例/Key Influence Factors of Bank Financing: The Evidence of Taiwan's Information Electronics Industry (in Chinese) 黃怡菁
097 智慧資本如何影響市場價值-價值鏈之觀點/How does Intellectual Capital Affect Market Value: A Value Chain Perspective (in Chinese) 何佩穎