Be Young! Beyond!Startup Bootcamp超越世代新創暑期營隊

  • 2018-04-09

Be Young! Beyond!Startup Bootcamp超越世代新創暑期營隊(7/15-7/22



本校今年接受教育部青年展署委託辦理新南向暑期基地交流計畫,預計於暑假期間(2018年7月15-22日)辦理「Be Young! Beyond!Startup Bootcamp超越世代新創暑期營隊」,邀請新南向國家大專校院創新創業學生至臺灣進行創新創業知識交流及技能研習,期望藉由一系列精實訓練課程,擴展大專校院青年國際視野及參與國際事務能力、激發跨國界之創新思維、進而促進與東協、南亞及美國等國家之創新創業人才之連結,將所學知識實踐於創業應用上。即日起至5/7止開始開放線上報名!







NTUST Business Incubation Center

Ms. Karen Huang


Phone: +886-2-2733-3141 #5122




The Be Young! Beyond! Startup Bootcamp would be held at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, Taiwan, on July 15th-22th, 2018. On-line application is now open! Welcome the colleges or universities students (Bachelor, Master, PhD, 2018 Graduates) who are interested in the innovative entrepreneurship (area not limited) to apply. Those who are accepted in the initial trial review will be waived the participation fee. Besides, the foreign student will be subsided the airfare (up to NT$10,000) and 7-nights accommodations. For more details, please find the attached bootcamp regulations and EDM.


We will deeply appreciate if you could assist to forward the bootcamp information to your friends, colleagues, students, please use the attached files and links. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us. Thank you!


NTUST Business Incubation Center

Ms. Karen Huang


Phone: +886-2-2733-3141 #5122


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