姓名 林盈利
职称: 创新育成中心主任
校内分机: 48052
电子信箱 : yllin@asia.edu.tw
学历: 国立台湾科技大学企业管理学系财务金融组 博士
研究领域: 经济理论、公司理财、财务资讯与资本市场、智慧资本
经历: 亚洲大学产学营运处创新育成中心主任
年度 论文名称
2018 林盈利, Dynamic Connection of the Balanced Scorecard: Pre- versus Post-2008 Financial Crisis, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, vol.4 no.10 pp.103-108, 2018
2017 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、陈姿吟(Tzu-Yin Chen), How Does Strategic Orientation Influence Intellectual Capital through Value-Creating Activities?, Business Research Review, vol.2 no.1 pp.13-32, 2017
2016 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、林莹华(Ying-Hua Lin), 经理人过度自信、研发产出与绩效变量之关联性-联立方程式模型/Overconfidence, R&D output and Performance variable- Simultaneous equations(in Chinese), 国际商经评论/ International Review of Business and Economics no.9 pp.47-64, 2016
2016 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、连胤乔(Yin-Qiao Lian), 高阶经理人专业背景对跨国投资绩效之影响/The effect of professional background on transnational investment performance (in Chinese), 管理资讯计算(Management Information Computing), vol.5 pp.59-73, 2016
2015 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, Usefulness of Financial and Non-financial Information Disclosure of Information Technology Industry, International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities, vol.3 no.4 pp.20-33, 2015
2015 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, How does intellectual capital affect organizational performance?, International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol.6 no.4 pp.115-120, 2015
2013 梁琼如、陈姿吟、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How do different business models affect intellectual capital?, Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol.14 no.2 pp.176-191, 2013
2013 梁琼如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黄秀凤(Hsiu-Feng Huang), Effect of core competence on organizational performance in an airport shopping center, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, vol.31 pp.23-26, 2013
2012 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)*、黄瑞琦、涂胜闵, 智慧资本与企业价值之关联性-金控子银行与独立银行之比较/ The Value Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Corporate Value:Comparisons between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Companies and Independent Banks (in Chinese), 国际商经评论/ International Review of Business and Economics no.2 pp.1-23, 2012
2011 梁琼如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黄梓苍(Tzu-Tsang Huang), Does Multi-Dimensional Ownership Structure Matter in Firm Performance? A Dynamic Firm’s Life Cycle Perspective, International Journal of Business and Finance Research, vol.5 no.2 pp.1-19, 2011
2011 梁琼如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、黄梓苍(Tzu-Tsang Huang)*, Does Endogenously-Determined Ownership Matter on Performance? Dynamic Evidence from the Emerging Taiwan Market, EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE, vol.47 no.6 pp.120-133, 2011
2010 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、梁琼如(Chiung-Ju Liang), How Does Research and Development Investment Affect Market Value?, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, vol.13 no.6 pp.1165-1185, 2010
2009 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*、何佩颖, The role of innovation capability in the value creation process, 评价学报 no.1 pp.43-56, 2009
2008 梁琼如(Chiung-Ju Liang)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)*, Which IC is more important?A life-cycle perspective, Journal of Intellectual Capital, vol.9 no.1 pp.62-76, 2008
发表日期 论文名称
2024.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、Tzu-Ting Chao、Chia-Fang Hsieh, The Impact of Google Search Volume Index (SVI) on Stock Returns of Taiwan AI Supply Chain Stocks , The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2024), Jul. 2024, Tunghai University/Taichung/Taiwan
2024.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、Tzu-Ting Chao、Yu-Ai Chang, An Exploration of Financial Planning and Wealth Management – A Case Study of Fresh Graduates , The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2024), Jul. 2024, Tunghai University/Taichung/Taiwan
2024.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、Tzu-Ting Chao、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、Hui-Ling Yang, Research on Optimization Strategies of Pension Investment Portfolio —Taking Civil Servants as an Example , The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2024), Jul. 2024, Tunghai University/Taichung/Taiwan
2024.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li), Discussion on the Labor Shortage Problem in Taiwan’s Construction Industry , The 18th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2024), Jul. 2024, Tunghai University/Taichung/Taiwan
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin), The Business Model of Cross, Border E-Commerce_ Source Globally, Sell Globally - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin)、杨雅筠(Ya-Yun Yang), Using the Balanced Scorecard to Analyze Bank Operational Performance – Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Banks , The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2023.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、林世杰(Shih-Chieh Lin)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林敬伦(Ching-Lun Lin), Impact of SARS and COVID, 19 on Taiwan's tourism industry - The 17th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2023), Jul. 2023, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada.
2022.06 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、杨晴如(Ching-Ru Yang), Impacts of COVID, 19 on Stock Returns of the Cross-Border Transportation Industry - The 16th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jun. 2022, Kitakyushu, Japan
2021.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li), A Feasibility Study of the Introduction of Service Apartment Operation Model on Long, term Care Institutions - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea
2021.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陈佳妤, Analysis of the Causal Relationship among Diversification Strategies, Financial Performance and Market Values by the Three, stage Least Squares (3SLS) - The 15th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2021), Jul. 2021, Soonchunhyang (SCH) University, Asan, Korea
2020.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han)、Hung, Tsung-Chih, Feasibility Study of Introducing Daily Rental Suites Business Model into Long, term Care Institutions - The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
2020.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、徐丽如( Hsu, Li-Lu), The Relationship between Long, term Care Issues and Disability Insurance - The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
2019.07 王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、韩建国(Chien-Kuo Han), The Causes and Influences of Institutional Investors Herding Behavior in the Taiwan Stock Market , The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Jul. 2019, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia
2019.07 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、王癸元(Kuei-Yuan Wang)、陈美琏(Mei-Lien Chen), Key Success Factors of Online Learning Website A , Balanced Scorecard Perspective - The 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019) , Jul. 2019, Sydney, Australia
2016.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、萧芳华(Fang-Hua Hsiao)、黎佩珊(Pei-Shan Li), Causal analysis in human capital, R&D assets and financial performance: Evidence from Taiwanese firms operating in China , 2016 10th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2016, Fukuoka, Japan
2016.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、连胤乔(Yin-Qiao Lian)、吴翔嘉(Shiang-Jia Wu), The Effect of Executive's Professional Background on Business Performance of Foreign Direct Investment , 2016 年「经营管理」暨「资讯科技」研讨会/2016 Business management and information technology conference, Jun. 2016, 国立高雄师范大学和平校区
2016.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、郑湘儒(Hsiang-Ju Cheng), A Causal Model of Linkages among Strategic Orientation, Value, Creating Activities, and Intellectual Capital - 2016 年「经营管理」暨「资讯科技」研讨会/2016 Business management and information technology conference, Jun. 2016, 国立高雄师范大学和平校区
2015.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How to enhance market value? A balanced scorecard perspective , Ninth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2015, Brazil
2015.07 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How Do Political Relations Affect State, Owned Bank Loans? - Ninth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2015, Brazil
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), Dynamic connection of the Balanced Scorecard Evidence from financial holding companies , 2015 台湾财务金融学会年会暨国际研讨会/2015 International conference of Taiwan finance association (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 亚洲大学
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、张惠雅, 股票报酬率与通货膨胀率之因果关系/Causal Relationship between Stock Returns and Inflation Rates , Evidence from the Construction Industry (in Chinese) - 2015现代经营管理研讨会/2015 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 德霖技术学院
2015.06 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、连胤乔, 人力资本、知识产出与公司价值之因果分析/Human capital, knowledge output, and corporate value (in Chinese) , 2015现代经营管理研讨会/2015 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Jun. 2015, 德霖技术学院
2014.11 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、陈姿吟, A Causal Model of Linkages among Strategic Orientation, Value, creating Activities, and Intellectual Capital(in Chinese) - 2014现代经营管理研讨会/2014 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Nov. 2014, 德霖技术学院
2014.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、林素卉, 政治关系与贷款额度的关系/The relationship between political relations and loan amount (in Chinese) , 2014第八届卓越管理国际学术研讨会/2014 8th International Conference on Business Management (in Chinese), May. 2014, 修平科技大学
2013.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、陈淑珍, 独立董事席次比例、兼职情形对公司绩效之影响/The Impact of the Percentage and Part, time Situation of Independent Directors on Firm Performance (in Chinese) - 2013现代经营管理研讨会/2013 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Dec. 2013, 德霖技术学院
2013.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、詹素玉, 员工红利、人力资本与企业绩效之关联性/The Relationships between Employee Bonus,Human Capital and Enterprise Performance (in Chinese) , 2013现代经营管理研讨会/2013 Symposium on Business Operation and Management (in Chinese), Dec. 2013, 德霖技术学院
2011.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、宋鸿志, 公营事业民营化后公司治理前后的经营绩效之影响 , 2011财务金融管理理论与实证研讨会, May. 2011, 长荣大学
2011.05 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、朱育莹, 衍生性金融商品使用对获利能力之影响, 本国与外商银行之比较 - 2011财务金融管理理论与实证研讨会, May. 2011, 长荣大学
2011.05 黄秀凤、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), 连锁便利商店之商店印象、顾客满意与品牌权益关系之研究 , 2011观光餐旅休閒永续发展与创新教育国际学术研讨会, May. 2011, 德霖技术学院
2011.04 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、邱佳琪, 无形资产与分析师跟随对公司价值的影响 , 2011 当代商管学域研讨会, Apr. 2011, 国立台中技术学院
2009.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、朱怡静, 智慧资本之价值攸关性, 金控公司与非金控公司子银行之比较/The value-relevance of Intellectual capital-Comparison between subsidiary banks of financial holding company and independent banks (in Chinese) - The 2009 International Conference on Innovation & Management, Dec. 2009, 实践大学
2008.12 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、何佩颖, The role of innovation capability in the value creation process , 2008绩效评估与价值创造研讨会, Dec. 2008, 国立中兴大学
2008.11 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin), How does R&D capability affect market value under different life cycle stages? , 第七届管理新思维学术研讨会, Nov. 2008, 国立台湾科技大学
2005.12 梁琼如, 不同生命周期阶段之台湾资讯电子产业价值驱动因子 , 2005会计理论与实务研讨会, Dec. 2005, 国立台湾大学
计画名称 参与人 计画期间
113年度大专校院推动创新创业教育计画 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2024.08 ~ 2026.07
111年度大专校院推动创新创业教育计画 (11149040) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
创新创业大赛计画 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.09 ~ 2020.10
新南向学海筑梦计画-壮佳果股份有限公司越南海外实习计画 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.09 ~ 2021.07
109年度大专校院推动创新创业教育计画 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.08 ~ 2022.07
智能投资理财与金融科技应用人才培育学程 (无) 蔡永顺(Yung-shun Tsai)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.07 ~ 2021.08
新南向学海筑梦计画-菲律宾群岛银行海外实习计画 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2020.07 ~ 2020.08
108年度「U-start创新创业计画」 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2019.08 ~ 2020.02
2019投资理财规划与金融科技应用实务人才培育学程 (无) 蔡永顺(Yung-shun Tsai)、林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li) 2019.07 ~ 2020.08
投资理财规划与金融科技应用实务人才培育学程 (无) 林盈利(Lin, Ying-Li)、蔡永顺(Yung-shun Tsai) 2017.07 ~ 2018.08
大专院校权证课程计画/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20170203161943) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2017.02 ~ 2017.07
证券投资与权证避险操作实务-财金资讯系统之应用/Security investment and warrnat hedge-application of financial information system (in Chinese) (20160623215632) 蔡永顺(Yung-shun Tsai)、欧仁和(Jenho-Peter Ou)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.07 ~ 2017.08
结合大专院校办理就业服务补助计画/Employment service plan (in Chinese) (20160519205539) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.03 ~ 2016.10
翻转教学课程补助计画-投资管理专题/Flipped teaching course plan-investment management (in Chinese) (20160623222548) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2016.02 ~ 2016.06
翻转教学课程补助计画-投资组合分析/Flipped teaching course plan-investment portfolio analysis (in Chinese) (20150715224339) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.09 ~ 2016.01
中华民国证券商业同业公会权证课程补助计划/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20150715223303) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.09 ~ 2016.01
学术伦理课程发展计画/Academic ethics course plan (in Chinese) (MOE-104-1-0-B009) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2015.08 ~ 2016.01
证券投资与权证避险操作实务-财金资讯系统之应用/Security investment and warrnat hedge-application of financial information system (in Chinese) (20150715223619) 蔡永顺(Yung-shun Tsai)、欧仁和(Jenho-Peter Ou)、林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、蔡丰泽、简智崇(Chien Chih-Chung) 2015.07 ~ 2016.08
创新教材计画-经济学-有效提高管理学院会考成绩及通过公职考试之讲义/Innovation teaching material plan-Economic (in Chinese) (20141225002910) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.12 ~ 2015.07
中小企业价值创造过程之研究/Value create process of small and medium enterprise (in Chinese) (20140704172332) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.07 ~ 2015.06
政治关联对银行放款之影响/The Effect of Political Connections on Bank Lending (in Chinese) (102-asia-33) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.02 ~ 2015.01
大专院校权证课程计画/Warrant course plan (in Chinese) (20140318214241) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2014.01 ~ 2014.07
创新教材计画-计量经济-计量经济软件(Eviews)之整合应用/Innovation teaching material plan-Econometrics-Application of Eviews (in Chinese) (20131231155905) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.12 ~ 2014.07
竞争程度及经济活动对非常项目之影响/The Impact of Competition and Economic Activity on Extraordinary Items (in Chinese) (101-asia-14) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
个人投资理财通识课程计画/ Individual investmnet general knowledge course plan (in Chinese) (20140318213649) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2013.01 ~ 2013.07
公平价值层级资讯及公司治理指数对公司价值之影响/The Impact of Fair Value Hierarchy Information and Corporate Governance Index on Firm Value (in Chinese) (100-asia-47) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2011.12 ~ 2012.11
创新教材计画-公司治理理论与实务-金融产业推动公司治理现状及应用/Innovation teaching material plan-Corporate governance theory and practice (in Chinese) (20120222203303) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2011.11 ~ 2012.07
创新教材计画-总体经济学/Innovation teaching material plan- Macroeconomic (in Chinese) (20110623214128) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2010.11 ~ 2011.07
创新教材计画-个体经济学/Innovation teaching material plan-Microeconomic (in Chinese) (20110623214050) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2010.11 ~ 2011.07
创新教材计画-如何解析财经时事新闻?财务理论之应用/Innovation teaching material plan-How to analysis financial news? Application of financial theory(in Chinese) (20110623213949) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin) 2009.11 ~ 2010.07
无形资产、财务绩效与市场价值-金融服务业之整合性研究/Intangible assets, financial performance and market value-Financial service industry (in Chinese) (NSC 98-2410-H-468 -006 -) 林盈利(Ying-Li Lin)、梁琼如 2009.08 ~ 2010.07
奖项名称 颁奖单位
113年度创新教学法优良奖 本校
111学年度杰出产学奖第三名 本校
109年度产学合作绩优奖 本校
亚洲大学106学年度院级优良导师奖/2019 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese) 本校
105年度创新教材-数码教材奖佳作奖 本校
107年度创新教材-数码教材奖佳作奖 请选择
亚洲大学105学年度院级优良导师奖/2018 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese)
105年度创新教材-数码教材奖特优奖/2016 Outstanding Digital Teaching Material Award (in Chinese)
104年度创新教材-数码教材奖特优奖/2015 Outstanding Digital Teaching Material Award (in Chinese)
104年度创新教学法优良奖/2012 Excellence in Innovation Teaching Award (in Chinese)
亚洲大学期刊论文类表现卓越奖/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-经济学-有效提高管理学院会考成绩及通过公职考试之讲义/Innovation teaching material plan-Economic (in Chinese)
亚洲大学102学年度杰出教学奖/2013 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
亚洲大学期刊论文类表现卓越奖/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-计量经济-计量经济软件(Eviews)之整合应用/Innovation teaching material plan-Econometrics-Application of Eviews (in Chinese)
亚洲大学101学年度创新学习评估法优等奖/2012 Excellence in Innovation Learning Assessment Award (in Chinese)
亚洲大学期刊论文类表现卓越奖/Excellence in Research Award (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-公司治理理论与实务-金融产业推动公司治理现状及应用/Innovation teaching material plan-Corporate governance theory and practice (in Chinese)
亚洲大学98学年度校级优良导师奖/2009 Outstanding Advisor Award (in Chinese)
亚洲大学99学年度优良教学奖/2010 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-总体经济学/Innovation teaching material plan- Macroeconomic (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-个体经济学/Innovation teaching material plan-Microeconomic (in Chinese)
亚洲大学98学年度优良教学奖/2009 Outstanding Teaching Award (in Chinese)
创新教材计画-如何解析财经时事新闻?财务理论之应用/Innovation teaching material plan-How to analysis financial news? Application of financial theory(in Chinese)
课程类别 课程代码 课程名称 年度
大学日间部 86U00081A 经济学(二) 113
大学日间部 86U00081B 经济学(二) 113
大学日间部 86U00206A 证券市场与职业伦理 113
年度 名称 全部作者
104 高阶主管专业程度与其职务异动及兼任对公司绩效之影响:中国公司进一步证据/The Impact of the Professional Level, Turnover, and Part-time Situation of CEO on Corporate Performance: Further Evidence from China (in Chinese) 林丽玉
104 企业评价的个案研究-以全家便利商店为例/Case Study on Business Valuation: Familymart (in Chinese) 李玉龙
104 管理者过度自信、研发绩效与未来财务绩效之因果模型/A Causal Model of Linkages among Management Overconfidence, R&D Performance, and Future Financial Performance (in Chinese) 吴翔嘉
104 经理人过度自信与专业程度对银行业经营绩效之影响/The Impact of Manager Overconfidence and Professional Level on Banking Industry's Business Performance (in Chinese) 郑湘儒
103 经理人过度自信如何透过研发及财务绩效影响市场价值?/A Causal Model of Linkages among Management Overconfidence, R&D Performance, and Future Financial Performance (in Chinese) 林莹华
103 台商母公司人力资本、研发资产与大陆子公司财务绩效之因果模型/A Causal Model of Linkages Among Human Capital of Taiwan’s Parent Firms, R&D Assets, and the Financial Performance of their Subsidiaries in Mainland China (in Chinese) 黎佩姗
103 股票报酬率与通货膨胀率之因果关系-以营建业为例/Causal Relationship between Stock Returns and Inflation Rates -Evidence from the Construction Industry (in Chinese) 张惠雅
103 顾客资本、财务绩效与高阶管理者薪酬的关联性-金控公司子银行与独立银行之比较/Customer Capital, Financial Performance and CEO Compensation-Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinese) 李素清
103 创新资本、财务绩效与高阶经理人薪酬的关联性- 电子产业与传统产业之比较/Innovation Capital, Financial Performance and CEO Compensation-Comparison between Electronic Industries and Traditional Industries (in Chinese) 傅静宜
103 投资人情绪、分析师跟随与公司价值之关联性/Relationships among Investor Sentiment, Analyst Following and Firm Value (in Chinese) 戴毓熹
102 政治关系与贷款额度的关系/The relationship between political relations and loan amount (in Chinese) 林素卉
102 资讯揭露评鑑制度与经理人专业程度对公司价值之影响/The Impact of Information Transparency Disclosure Rankings System and Manager's Professional Degree on Firm Value (in Chinese) 朱绪兰
102 独立董事席次比例、兼职情形对公司绩效之影响/The Impact of the Percentage and Part-time Situation of Independent Directors on Firm Performance (in Chinese) 陈淑珍
102 员工红利人力资本与企业绩效之关联性/The Relationships between Employee Bonus,Human Capital and Enterprise Performance (in Chinese) 詹素玉
101 公司治理对经营绩效之影响-生命周期之观点/The Influence of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance - A Life-Cycle Perspective (in Chinese)
101 公平价值层级资讯对公司价值之影响/The Impact of Fair Value Hierarchy Information on Firm Value (in Chinese)
100 智慧资本市场价值之攸关性-以休閒产业为例/Intellectual Capital of the Market Value:The Evidence of Leisure Industry (in Chinese)
100 智慧资本与市场价值之关联性-金控公司子银行与独立银行之比较/The Value-Relevance of Intellectual Capital and Market Value:Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinese)
099 公司治理对民营化公司经营绩效之影响/Effect of Corporate Governance on the Performance of Privatized Firms (in Chinese) 宋鸿志
099 衍生性金融商品使用对获利能力之影响-本国与外商银行之比较/The Effect of Derivative Financial Instrument on the Profitability: Comparison of Domestic and Foreign Banks (in Chinese) 朱育莹
099 无形资产与分析师跟随对公司价值的影响/The Effect of Intangible Assets and Analyst Following on Firm Value (in Chinese) 邱佳琪
097 无形资产、财务绩效与市场价值-金控公司子银行与独立银行之比较/Intangible Assets, Financial Performance and Market Value: Comparison between Subsidiary Banks of Financial Holding Company and Independent Banks (in Chinses) 陈奕慧
097 银行融资之关键影响因素-以台湾资讯电子产业为例/Key Influence Factors of Bank Financing: The Evidence of Taiwan's Information Electronics Industry (in Chinese) 黄怡菁
097 智慧资本如何影响市场价值-价值链之观点/How does Intellectual Capital Affect Market Value: A Value Chain Perspective (in Chinese) 何佩颖