AU Is Ranked Top 1 for 4th Year in MOE Award for International Art and Design Competitions

  • 2018-02-13

AU Is Ranked Top 1 for 4th Year in MOE Award for International Art and Design Competitions.---

AU has received the No. 1 Award of International Art and Design Competitions given by the MOE for 4 straight years with a total subsidy of 350 thousand NT dollars.

Prof. Hsiao-Pei Hou from AU accepted a Certificate of Appreciation from the Vice Minister in the MOE International Art and Design Competition Awarding Ceremony.

AU (Asia University) recently has received the No. 1 Award of International Art and Design Competitions given by the Ministry of Education (MOE) for the 4th straight year with a total subsidy of 350 thousand NT dollars. In the year of 2017, 43 participants coming from AU won totally 11 awards.

The principal investigator of the MOE International Art and Design Competition (IADC) Award Project, Prof. Pang-Soong Lin from AU, said that the MOE supports Taiwan students to take part in international inventions or design contests. Students, who win RodDot Awards from Germany, IF International Forum Design Medals, Good Design Grand Awards from Japan, and International Design Excellence Awards from the USA, may participate in the MOE IADC Contest. Winners of the contests and their schools are awarded by the MOE year by year, as set as the goal of the project.

A shot of the AU students, Sheng-Hsuan Huang and Cheng-Yu Wu, from the VCD Dept., whose artwork “Taiwan Old Street Chinese characters” won the 2017 RedDot “Best of the Best” Award, together with President J. P. Tsai (the 3rd from right) and Prof. Pang-Soong Lin (the 2nd from right) in front of the artwork.

AU President Jing-Pha Tsai mentioned that totally 11 artworks created by AU students participated the contest of the famous world-level RedDot Award. “One of them, ‘the Hunting Monster,’ won the ‘Best of the Best (BOB)’ Award, and the artwork designer attended the Awarding Ceremony in November; furthermore, the artwork entitled “Taiwan Old-street Chinese Characters” and designed by AU students, Sheng-Hsuan Huang and Cheng-Yu Wu, from the Visual Communication Design (VCD) Dept. won two Bronze medals from the New York Art Directors Club (ACD) Annual Awards , which is the first ACD awards won by students from Taiwan,” added by President Tsai.

The Chair of the VCD Dept., Prof. Tien-Chieh Chang, said, “the artwork ‘Taiwan Old-street Chinese Characters’ includes clever artistic designs of Chinese characters describing three famous sightseeing spots, namely, Half-sided Well, Nine-turns Lane and Shih-Yih Hall, all located in Lukang in the Changhua County, Taiwan.” Prof. Chang added that this artwork won 6 awards totally, including the ACD medals from New York, USA, the RedDot BOB Award from Germany, and the IADC Award given by the MOE.

In the past eight years, many students of AU, forming various design teams, won quite a lot of famous international design or invention awards, said President J. P. Tsai. He emphasized that AU aims to become an international university, and provide a total of seven ways for students to promote their international visions, namely, studying abroad, seeking international double degrees, participating in academic exchanges, working as interns, joining volunteer programs, publishing papers in conferences, and taking part in international invention or design contests.

AU has received the No.1 Award of International Art and Design Competitions given by the MOE for 4 straight years. A shot of AU President J. P. Tsai together with award-winning students and teachers in the MOE Awarding Ceremony.

AU President J. P. Tsai together with award-winning students and teachers in the MOE Awarding Ceremony taking a shot with the Vice Minister of the MOE, Leehter Yao.