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This is a image Chun-Wei Remen, Lin      
Industry-Academia Collaboration Director
886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6438
Ph.D., Department of Industrial Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing and Logistics System Design,
Plan and Control, Green Production Management, Health Industry Management
-Dean of School of Management, Asia University
-Dean of Academic Affairs Prof
-Director of Asia University Admissions Center
-Director of Asia University Creative Leadership Center
-International Dean, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Deputy CEO and CEO of Asia University Quality Assurance Center of Excellence
-Director of Industry-Academic Operations, Asia University
-Distinguished Professor of Ajou University's Department of Business Administration and Department of Health Industry Management
-Dean of Academic Affairs, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering Management, the Institute of Global Operations Management, and the Institute of Health Industry Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Director of SME Innovation and Incubation Center, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Director, Medical Management Research Center, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Director of the Department of Industrial Management (Institute) and the Institute of Global Operations Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Director, Commercial Automation Research and Development Center, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
-Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
-Host of the Intelligent Real-time Control System Project Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
-Host of Robotics and Automated Manufacturing Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago

 This is a imageYing-Li, Lin
Vice Director of Industry-Academia Collaboration and Director of Innovation Incubation Center 
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 48052
Ph D.  Department of Business Administration
Economics、Analysis of Leisure Industry
- Chairman, Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Asia University
- Deputy director of Innovation Incubation Center, Asia University
- Assessment Committee of Training Quality Management, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan
- Consultant of Recreation Agriculture Area, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

This is a image Shao-Chou, Tsai
 Patents and Technology transfer Section Chief
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6436
Master of Management, Asia University
Business development
- Assistant Manager of Johnson Controls - Hitachi Air Conditioning
- Section Chief, Office of General Affairs, Asia University
- Section Chief, Office of Academic Affairs, Asia University
- Section Chief, Division of Continuing Education, Asia University
- Secretary General of Alumni Association, Asia University
- Director of BEDA
- Director of Taichung Municipal Sports Federation

This is a image Li-sheng, Chu
 Industry-Academia Collaboration Section Chief
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 20043
Master of Commerce, National Taiwan University School of Management 
Multimedia and e-commerceBrand ManagementMarketing
 -Independent non-executive director of Yue Yuen Ind., (Hong Kong)
 -Independent director of Wellpool Co., Ltd.
 -Independent director of PharmaEngine, Inc.
 -Supervisor of Trade-Van Information Services Co.
 -Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration at Asia University.

This is a image Pei-Yu, Hsu 
 Patents and Technology transfer Section Administrative Assistant
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6435
- Carry out patent application and apply to the maintenance
- Manage transfer of technology licenses
- Assist in executive activities and business
- Carry out other specific tasks as determined by the director

 This is a imageWei, Hsia
 Industry-Academia Collaboration Section Administrative Assistant
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 1769
- Carry out administration affairs related to Industry-Academia Cooperation
- Office support (phone, e-mail, website, filing, ensuring the organization and office equipment is in good working order)
- Maintains continuity among corporate, division, and local work teams by documenting and communicating actions
- Assist in executive activities and business
- Carry out other specific tasks as determined by the director 

This is a image Weilly, Lu
 Project Administrative Assistant
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6440
Handle the formal courses, informal courses, lectures and promotion related to the entrepreneurship program
Coaching students to form an entrepreneurial team and provide professional consulting services.
Manufacturers into (continued) resident matters.
Executive director to hand in the items.


 This is a imageChing-Pin, Lin
 Innovation Incubation Center Assistant
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6259
-Handle government curriculum, license team, project curriculum development planning and implementation
-Non-credit class enrollment, course planning, absenteeism management, scoring and management, and homework assignments
-Plan and department fund write-off and purchase
-Asian University Personal Data Protection Management Group Department Window
-Asian University Information Security Management Group Department Window
-Maintenance and management of information portals for education curriculum promotion in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education
-Planning and Management of Elder University, Ministry of Education
-Kindergarten Teachers Pre-service Education Class Planning and Implementation Management of the Ministry of Education。
-Implementation and management of pre-employment training program
-Industrial talent investment plan of Zhongzhang Investment Branch of the Labor Development Department of the Ministry of Labor-plan writing and index control
-Taichung Municipal Government Social Affairs Bureau Training Program Planning and Implementation Management
-Executive task assigned
This is a imageWan-Yi, Lei
 Project Administrative Assistant
 886 + 4 + 2332-3456   ext. 6439



-Implement the Scientific Research&Industrialization Platform Project
-Assist in exhibition matters
-Assist in executive activities and business
-Executive director to hand in the items